Guide how to create perfect responsive post on Social media

A few years ago when  the “boom” of social networks, started companies and brands thought it was a waste of time to creating content in them  because their clients were not there. Today, the majority does not think so, because they have seen that social networks can be critical to their business and therefore are adapting  to social media.

Is there any way to create the perfect post to social networks?

It’s probably a question you get several answers, but I believe that if we follow the advice of experts .you can get the best strategy to publish a perfect post to increase the engagement of our content in a considerable way.

But it is not enough just to have a presence on social networks. If you want to succeed and create viral content it is necessary to take care that your articles and you adapt to the characteristics of each platform in which you participate.

So take the time and effort to create the perfect post. All platforms are full of content and we need to know the best way to share  your articles  so they get to  stand out among all others.

So I thought about writing this guide  with a series of more important  steps you have to follow to get  create the perfect post for social networking .


What are the most important social networks where I  share my content?

We know there are more and more social networks and each of us interacts with one or more other. But to share our publications and achieve our objectives.It is important to know that which platform is more active users in 2015,  a post from The Hat Media Partner .


Facebook is the social network with more followers in 2015. The number of followers in 2015 is  1,55 billion , to the latest available data.


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The second most supported Social Network is Youtube to 1 billion users contributing their content ,idea’s and video’s

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In third place comes Google + , which has overtaken Twitter and LinkedIn in number of followers,  has  540 million users active in 2015.


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The fourth most supported platform is Twitter, with  400 million followers .


how-to-write-perfect-posts-on-social-media-1 instagram

Instagram, the popular social network for images, is next in terms of number of followers and has 400 million active users .

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LinkedIn is the oldest social networks and which has a lower growth, but it is certainly a very important platform in the professional world. It has 187 million users  in 2015.


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Pinterest is the seventh and final stage of this list. Although not disclose their statistics, it is estimated that boasts  100 million users  active in 2015.


With this data, you can get an idea of ​​how important are social networks and what you should bet to share your content.

Tips for creating relevant content in social networks

FB11 Tips to develop content in Facebook

  • Be original and brief

    Messages must be authentic, useful, entertaining and relevant to your readers. Post which have between 100 and 150 characters are more interactive.

  • Be creative

    Your post have to get stand out from the hundreds from those other posts receive by your users. It is important that your content will show that you’re listening to your community.

  • Provides information

    Provide information without  data, statistics, etc.. So, you invite the user to click the link in the article to see the rest of the content.

  • Add a link

    To give the user more information about the content we share.It is better if it is  directed to another page of our web link, then derive more traffic towards it.

  • Add variety

    Graphic content on Facebook are key because they receive more “Like”, comments and get more clicks. It is important to alternate text content with photos or videos.

  • Scannable and fun contents

    It is essential that items are easy to read and provide fun to  the visitor.

  • Show your humanity 

    You need to know that behind your posts there is a person. Facebook is a more personal social network, so it is important to let people know you there.Say good morning with a striking picture that helps promote humanity.

  • Call to action

    Ending an article with a question asking the reader’s opinion, encourages the fan to answer and interact.

  • Periodicity

    Post regularly, it at least once a day, increasing the interaction with users. But Never post more than 1 time per day, It can provide  unvaluable content and you also can be seen as a spammer to your followers . Fewer higher quality is better than more and lower quality.

  • Optimized content

    It is important to be content tailored to the mobile, as most of your audience see’s the publications from a mobile.


Youtube10 tips to get more from your YouTube channel


  • It offers quality

    It is critical because if you do not offer videos that provide value to the user, it’s like having an empty channel.

  • Adapts the video to your brand

    When you are creating a video it is important that the content is related to the activity or brand image.Otherwise you can make the mistake of creating content that is not related to the business and generate traffic that do not add value to the company.

  • Controls the duration

    It is very difficult to get a user to view a video for more than 2 minutes. So it is best to create short pieces, between 1 and 2 minutes, they are able to capture attention.

  • Encourages dialogue

    It is important to create dialogue with customers and potential customers. And to thank and answer as short as possible to comments.

  • Complete information

    Fill  the description of the video and add labels, which users reached your videos.

  • Share and Promote

    Disclose your content on social networks and on your website.

  • Customize

    Use the colors of your brand and creates a specific font with which your users can identify you. Unifies the profile picture and header relating to brand image.

  • Analyzes

    You must make your video analysis, monitoring the results, see which ones work best, etc. A very useful tool for that is YouTube Insights .

  • Use a leading video

    It is important to select good content and value to be transmitted, it will be the first video that users see when entering your channel and shown larger.

  • Create playlists

    It is essential to group videos into different lists according to their themes. The lists can mixed own content with others of the same interest and that add value to your audience.


G +10 recommendations to create relevant content in Google+


  • Unique and novel content

    The content you share on this platform must be unique, interesting and to provide real value to your audience. It is a mistake to share content created for other social networks because this is a different from the other platform.

  • Very important quality

    Google values ​​more quality content when positioning on search engines. Share updated, recent and with a good dose of quality items.

  • Use hashtags

    It is a trick that many people do not use, but use Google+ hashtags (#) as labels is very useful for viralizar content. Use three or four, to avoid saturating the publication.

  • Periodicity

    Post regularly, it is important that the profile of the brand remains active. A minimum of 3 posts a week.You will know if you should publish more or less, depending on the  engagement  with the user.

  • Add attractive image

    One of the best features of this platform is its system of photographs, allowing up images of high quality.So upload photos of high resolution because they generate more interaction with users. Add a good image according to the content you’re posting it; thus  invite readers  more easily to reach the content of the article.

  • The highlight at the beginning

    If your article is long, the summary shows only the first 3 to 4 lines. It is important to write the most important thing in these lines with rich keywords.

  • Insert links

    If you want to provide an article of your blog do not forget to add your link. The +1 that occur will affect the relevance of your article and can create viral effect.

  • Answers provided

    It is important that you answer to comments from the users in your content and say thank you for your time and attention. It’s a good way to encourage dialogue with your community.

  • Published for the public

    If you are looking to the content you’re posting reaches the greatest number of users. If you want to share content only with certain people you should use your circles.

  • Share in communities

    Google+ communities are very important for us to find content and provide people with our same interests. It is advisable to publish content on the subject as well as the community readers  who like your content.


twitter10 Tips for posting on Twitter



  •  While using 140 characters

    Tweets should be short and concise.

  • Encourages action

    Tweets that invite comment, answer or give an opinion and get more and more shared.

  • “Retweet”

    It is always important to thank those who retweet our content. Retweet articles from other bloggers that may be relevant to your community. Retweet essential contents of others to retweet them yours.

  • Beware writing

    Write briefly, but without mistakes. No words without vowels or short message Whatsapp typical.

  • Use images

    Tweets with images are 60% shared  more than with only text .

  • It includes links

    Help in your messages,  lead content to other sites and provides more information to users. Use “URL shortening”  to use fewer characters with the link.

  • Use  hashtags

    Because their use increases much more interaction than a tweet . Do not include more than two or three in the same message as it can produce an opposite effect.

  • When publishing

    Messages can be sent at the time of day that more fans can be connected. Some experts say that the best times are the first weekday, other than right after eating. It is best to know and listen to your community to decide the best time to publish.

  • Be consistent

    It is essential to be consistent in the tweets to see that your are active. The number does not matter, what matters is that what is shared is relevant and give quality for your community.


Linkedin6 Recommendations to share content on Linkedin


  •  Be active

    You must regularly publish status updates, to get more interaction with your followers.

  • It provides more information

    Add your other social media profiles, share news of interest, it promotes action for users with questions.Do not publish only things related to your brand, but also other contents that are related to your activity.

  • Involves employees

    We must encourage the workers of the company to be the first to do “like” and share the contents of the brand.

  • When publishing

    Experts say the best time to publish your content is in the morning, because a greater number of interactions is obtained. True, but you must also listen and analyze your community to get important clues about the strategy to use.

  • Share graphic content

    It is important to use images or infographics on important achievements of the brand in your publications for positions the company as influential in its sector and strengthens the relationship with users.

  • Invites comments

    Invite your users to discuss, and recommend your content, since their recommendations provide significant added value to the company profile.


instagram9 tips to capitalize on Instagram



  •  Be original and creative

    We must find photographs creativity in applying filters, different approaches, colors, etc. to capture the attention of users and get gain visibility.

  • It shows the human side of the company

    Photos can also be used with the clients themselves, who will like to see themselves reflected in the profile of the brand. Do not share photos of the products of the company, it does not generate user interaction. There are other platforms where you can upload.

  • Follow user accounts

    It is important to follow the company user accounts, comment and click “Like” to encourage interaction between users and the brand.

  • Profile updated

    The profile should be active original and creative

  • Use hashtags

    To order your images by subject and easy for users to find.

  • Involves

    With contests, asking your customers to rise an image with certain characteristics, using a specific hashtag.It allows to present the brand and encourages interaction.

  • Share in other RRSS

    Occasionally publishes images that you upload to Instagram in other social networks where the brand is present. It is a good way to derive traffic from one platform to the other.

  • “Follow on Instagram”

insert follow on Instagram” on your corporate website               to let users know that the brand has a presence on this             platform button.

  • Create videos

    Create 15-second videos to show your creativity to users. You can show scenes of everyday company and the work of employees or customers scenes, all in short and original way. Videos are a very good option to highlight important moments in the brand.


pinterest10 tips to tap the full potential of Pinterest

  • Mix the content

    It is advisable to pin pictures of your company and interesting content from other users.Never run with Pin It only yours.

  • Be creative

    This platform is highly valued creativity. You can create stories with series of photographs or a board with pictures of the evolution of your company, etc.

  • Care quality and resolution

    High resolution images  are greatly appreciated. Therefore it is important to take good care of quality and size of images to be shared.

  • Periodicity

    The profile should be active, with several publication  daily or weekly  at different times. Do not post multiple files at once, something that is unusual, as it is an unwise practice. It is preferable to space the publications throughout the day or week.

  • Verticality

    vertical than horizontal photographs succeed more on thisplatform . Get up to 3 times interactions.

  • It provides information

    Use the descriptions of the images to provide more information to users.

  • Interact

    Follow other users, their boards, appreciate them, it encourages interaction with users.

  • Create collective boards

    Invites users to upload images to a collective board of the brand. That makes them feel part of the brand which encourages participation affinity in users.

  • Order your boards

    It is advisable to place first the most popular and important to the brand boards, as they will be the ones that generate more traffic to the website.

  • Use the secrets boards

    On this platform you can have up to 3 boards with secret content. Very useful for testing and post them when they are ready.

So friend’s it is my advise for you to follow these step’s to get success on social networks and if you know some other tips you can share it and comment it under comment section to let me know the creative mind’s of my friend’s.

thanks to read and interact

Ashwani kumar Yadav

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